Looking to Start a Business?

Bizstarts Milwaukee is seamless, region-wide approach to assisting entrepreneurs in southeastern Wisconsin. The BizStarts Milwaukee website serves as a one-stop address for entrepreneurs to access information, service providers and events. The site provides a plethora of information from sample business plans, evaluation tools, legal advice on organizational structure and more. BizStarts serves to be the main resource for regional entrepreneurs.

University of Wisconsin - Extension:
Small Business Development Center

Located in Downtown Milwaukee at 161 W. Wisconsin Avenue, the UW-Extension Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers free one-on-one counseling to business clients that are thinking about starting a business, those that are well along in their plans and those who are up and running and need a refresher course. The SBDC draws upon a large group of business professionals who specialize in marketing and sales, business planning, buying and selling a business, financial management, product development, accounting and bookkeeping, customer service and inventory control. Individual counseling is available by appointment only. Click here for individual counseling information.

Classes in entrepreneurial training and business basics are available for a fee. For more information call 414-227-3200 OR visit their website.

Ozaukee County First Steps Workshop

The First Steps Workshop is designed for people that are thinking about starting a business, but do not know where to begin. This fast paced three-hour session assesses entrepreneurs’ readiness to open a business and reveals the critical resources available to achieve business success. Everyone leaves with a wealth of take home information.